
Tectyl 800-D BF (früher 800 D)

Tectyl™ 800-D BF (prior called Tectyl™ 800 D) is a water displacing, low viscosity, lubricating corrosion preventive oil. The film is light, transparent and oily. Tectyl™ 800-D BF is recommended for the protection and lubrication of small arms and automatic weapons, industrial equipment, tools, pneumatic controls and light duty machinery and motors in moist, cold conditions. Tectyl™ 800-D BF serves as a light gauge wire preservative and a tube coating for undercover shipment and storage.

Product details

Product Name Tectyl 800-D BF (früher 800 D)
Manufacturer Valvoline (Tectyl)
Product category Corrosion Protection
Subcategory Body Cavity Sealing
Base oil Wax
Solvent Release Agent
Appearance Light transparant

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