Quarantine for goods from countries affected by Corona
Since week 11, Costenoble has introduced a general goods quarantine for all deliveries of goods arriving with us from China, South Korea and Italy until further notice.These shipments are stored separately for fourteen days.
At present there is no reliable information about the life-span or infection period of Corona viruses on surfaces. Different studies have suggested a range from several hours to 9 days. In order to safely exclude any contamination of our goods by Corona viruses Costenoble has introduced a quarantine of 14 days for all shipments we receive from the countries which are most affected up to now.
We kindly ask our customers for their understanding and to consider this information for future orders.
Measures for Corona-prevention
In view of the current situation we would like to inform you that we have taken all recommended and generally announced hygienic and preventive measures to protect our staff and customers from an infection with the Corona virus. Moreover, there are definite restrictions for our staff members in terms of business trips and the contact with persons from countries that are particularly affected by Corona.
All the goods that we receive from risk areas like China, South Korea and Italy are initially stored separately for 14 days in order to exclude the transmission of the viruses on packaging surfaces.
The current development of the Corona pandemic requires special preparations for a potential tightening of security measures or the general situation. To be able to further maintain our customer service and delivery capability, we have developed an emergency plan, which allows us to largely and durably ensure deliveries to our customers. As a precaution we have increased our stock level already in January and February.
As almost all other people currently do, we are very closely monitoring the latest developments. We are going to sustain the already introduced measures as long as needed and would adapt them according to the course of the situation. At present we consider ourselves well prepared for the current situation. In case of potential tightening or changes of our adopted measures we would provide information on our homepage in a timely manner.
Weitere Informationen:
> Information portal of the Robert Koch Institute
> Overview of global spread (Source: CSSE)
> New name “Covid-19” stands for “COrona VIrus Disease”
> The old name “2019-nCoV” is now called “Sars-CoV-2”
Photo reference: ©freepik.com, Author: lanasham
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